- A Study of Ideal Women in Jane Austen's Novels
- A Study of the Lost Generation--With Special Reference to Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Women's Position in the Time of Jane Austen
- A Study of Gone with the Wind--With Reference to the Happiness of the Blacks
- An American Literary Study of the Twenties and Thirties
- --With Special Reference to The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath
- What the "True Attachment and Constancy" Is among Men and Women in Jane Austen's Persuasion
- A Study of Changes in Circumstances Surrounding Women
- A Study of Language in Childhood
- A Study of Picture Books
- A Study of Plays on Words--Nursery Rhymes for British Children--
- A Study of Language Acquisition: First Language and Second Language
- A Study of Baby Talk
- Child Labor in India
- A Study of the Lower Middle Class in Britain
- A Study of Music and Language
- A Study of Americanization in South Korea and Japan
- A Study of Globalization and the Japanese Political Economy
- A Study of the Modernism and the New Religions
- A Study of the Oil Conflicts in the Niger Delta The Niger Delta and the Multinational Oil Giants
- A Study of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: The Psychology of Alice and the Author
- Bushido and Chivalry: Comparative Study of Cultures of Japan and the West
- A Study about the Scarf Incident in France
- Education of Second Language
- The Honeyford Affair: A Study of Educational Policy in Multicultural Britain
- Influence of Nonverbal Communication on Implicature