- Animal Protection in Britain
- A Study of Support Characters from the Harry Potter Series
- A Study of Christianity in Tolkien's Fiction
- The Theme of Marriage in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
- A Study of Independence and Freedom in Marriage and Work in Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre
- Sherlock Holmes as World-Famous Icon
- A Study of Junichiro Tanizaki and Oscar Wilde
- A Study of The Earthsea Cycle
- Cloning Human Beings and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
- Past and Present of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
- Bridget Jones's Diary: Contemporary Women's Dilemma
- Female Characters in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
- Becoming and Establishment of Identity in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- A Study of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
- A Study of Flannery O'Connor
- A Character Study of the Second Self of the Protagonist in Wuthering Heights
- The Mother Image in Peter and Wendy
- A Study of Ernest Hemingway
- The Harry Potter Series in the Context of Socio-Economic Situations in Contemporary Britain
- 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Speaking by Non-Native Speakers
- A Study of Loanwords of Japanese Origin in 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Study of Mimetics
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan
- On the Linguistic Characteristics of African American Vernacular 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as Role Language
- "Who in the World Am I?" ―Alice in Wonderland: Role Language in Disney Film
- A Study of Differences of Expressive Style in Korean and Japanese
- An Analysis of Grammatical Errors Made by Japanese Learners of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- African American Vernacular 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as Role Language
- A Study of Wordplay in 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and Japanese
- A Study of Japanese Hypocoristics with Comparisons to 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Hypocoristics
- A Comparison of Wordplay in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" to That of a Japanese Translation
- A Study of Japanese 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Phonological Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Loanwords in Japanese and Korean
- A Study of Modern Japanese Dialects
- 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in the Japanese Elementary School System
- Japanese Misunderstanding of Spoken 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Study of Dialects in Japanese Fictions as Role Language
- Adjectives and Their Verbal Counterparts in Japanese
- One Language, Two 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网es: British and American 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Use of the Preterite, Past, and Present Perfect
- Reflecting on the Occurrence of Nonverbal Communication in Dialogues
- Gender-Based Differences between Japanese and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Polite Expressions
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Acquisition by Japanese Learners
- A Study of Japanese 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Study of Suitable Methods of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Acquisition for Japanese
- Perception of Politeness in Speech
- How First Language Affects Second Language Acquisition
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Language Education ―The Change of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Language Education in Japan―
- A Comparison of Idioms: 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Face and Japanese Kao
- "So Lovely!" Gays in the Movies
- A Study of Onomatopoeia
- A Phonological Study of Nickname Formation in Japanese
- A Study of Chinese Characteristic
- A Study of A Christmas Carol
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japanese Junior High School
- A Study of Homelessness in the U.S.
- Child Labours and Children's Rights in India
- A Study of American Women
- A Study of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion"
- The Comparison of King Lear and Ran
- A Study of Multicultural Education: An Example of Hispanic Education
- The Cultural Influence of the In-Group and Out-Group Distinction on the 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Usage of Native Japanese Speakers
- A Study of Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as an International Language
- A Study of Refugees ―Why Does Japan Have a Negative Attitude toward the Refugee Issues?―
- A Study of Modern Hip Hop: Its Roots and Development in African-American Culture
- Anti-Japanese Sentiments in China and South Korea
- Fluency and the Use of Reactive Tokens: An Analysis of Japanese and American Conversations
- The Cultural Differences of Humor between Japan and America
- The Relationship between Leaners' Strategies, Beliefs and the Performance on Preposition
- Actions Speak Louder than Words: Japanese and American Non-Verbal Behaviors and Turn-Exchange
- The Gender Gap: Differences in Communicating Compliments among Men and Women
- Hedging Utterances: How Men and Women Speak Differently
- Monolingualism in the UK
- A Smile Is Not Just a Smile: A Pragmatic Approach to Facial Communication
- Differences in Communication between Native 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Speakers and Native Japanese Speakers
- When Adults Talk to Children: How Infants Develop Communicative Strategies and Skills
- A Study of Comparing Men and Women's Politeness in Japan and U.S.
- Gender Differences in Language
- Miscommunication between Native Speakers and Non-Native Speakers of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Comparative Study of On-Line Communication: Different Personalities on Different SNSs
- Communication and Gender
- Defender or Occupier?: News Media Framing of U.S. Servicemen in Okinawa
- A Study of Detective Novels
- A Cross-Cultural Study of Japanese and American Emoticons Used on Electronic Communication
- A Study of Women's Language in Japanese Comics