A Study of Gardens in British and American Literature
An Analysis of "Yuki-Onna" Written by Lafcadio Hearn
A Study of Roald Dahl: The Characteristic of Roald Dahl's Children's Books
A Study of Women's Views on Marriage in the 19th Century
The Orphan of Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist
A Study of Sylvia Plath
A Study of Pride and Prejudice
A Study of Great Expectations -- Pip's Growth in the Allegory of the Cave
A Study of Irony and Sarcasm
Analysis of Regional Dialects Functioning as Role Language: A Case Study of Kyoto Dialect
A Study of Nominalization Suffixes in Japanese
A Study of Situation Comedy
A Study of Sequential Voicing in Japanese
On the Distinction between Direct and Indirect Passives in Japanese
Comparison of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education and Its Background in Japan and South Korea
The Nature of Mimetics in Japanese
Vagueness in Political Language: Why Do Japanese Politicians Speak Vaguely in Public?
Constraints on Nickname Formation in Japanese
A Study of Second Language Acquisition: Analysis of Japanese Particle Errors
‐Poi Suffixation in Japanese
A Study of Linguistic Performance --Difference of Language between Men and Women?
Adjectives and Their Verbal Counterparts in Japanese
An Analysis of Grammatical Errors Made by Chinese Learners of Japanese as a Foreign Language
Casual Speech in Japanese: A Study of Japanese Potential Verb Forms without Ra
A Study of Case Particles in Japanese: Particle -o and -ni in Dialects
The Usefulness of Phonetics in the Acquisition of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网: An Analysis of Difficulties of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Pronunciation for Native Japanese Speakers
An Analysis of Errors Made by Japanese EFL Learners
The Woman in Sherlock Holmes
A Study of Production and Stabilization of Slang in Japan
A Study of Food Culture
A Study of Color Terms --Effects of Colors—
A Study of 007 Films
Exploring Communicative Possibilities of Loanwords for Japanese People: Based on Learning a Second Language
Is 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education Advisable for Elementary School in Japan?
What Is Said and What Is Left Unsaid: Strategizing in Japanese Conversation
A Study of the Differences of Gender Speech
The Debate on New 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网es
A Comparative Study of Japanese Old Tales and European Fairy Stories
A Study of the Industrial Revolution
American Slavery and Discrimination against Black People
A Study on Japanese Slang: Widening the Meanings of Japanese Adjective 'Yabai' and Its Effect on Communication
Globalization and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan
A Study of Class Consciousness in Brit Pop
The Relations between Japan and China
英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Language Education in Japan
A Study of Onomatopoeia: What Is Onomatopoeicness?
A Study of Politeness
A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as an International Language
A Comparative Analysis of Andersen's "The Mermaid" and Disney's The Little Mermaid
A Study of Intercultural Communication
A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan --Various Tests in 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education—
A History of LGBT
A Study of Tove Jansson's Definition of Peace
A Study of Chasm between Immigrant and Western Culture
A Study of Second Language Acquisition
Swear Words in American 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网: A History and Present Circumstances
A Study of Muslim Women
A Study of Speech Errors
A Study of Same-Sex Marriage
The Power of Japanese Onomatopoeia
A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan --Compared with 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Korea—
A Study of Latinos in the U.S.
A Study of LGBT Films and the History of Discrimination as Viewed through Four Successful American Films
英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan
Teaching of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Pronunciation in Japan: Permission to Use Japanese 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
The Connection between Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Culture
A Study of Gone with the Wind
A Handkerchief in William Shakespeare's Othello
A Study of Muslim Women
A Study of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Acceptance and Homophobia --A Critical Perspective of Toleration toward Homosexuality—
英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Imperialism: The Dominance of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Language Rooted in Japanese People
Modern British Fantasy: Diana Wynne Jones Who Was Called by The Daughter of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Islamic Scarf Controversy in France
Women's Right in Islam
A Study of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House
An Analysis of African-American Music
A Study of American Entertainments
Non-Verbal Communication of Japanese: Space and Their Behaviors
A Study of the Japanese Sense of Humor
A Study of Onomatopoeia: The Derivational Relation of Verbs and Onomatopoeia "Kawaii" Culture in Japan
Interpersonal Communication in Japanese
Humor: Some Differences between Japanese and Americans
A Study of Non-Verbal Communication in LINE
A Study of Intercultural Communication
A Study of Intercultural Communication
A Study of Australian 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
A Study of the Japanese Discourse Marker Nanka
Japanese Refusals in Responses to Requests and Offers
The Criticism of Younger Subordinates by Superiors Viewed in Terms of Politeness
A Study of Dracula
Internet Slang in SNS Communication
Can Japanese 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Speakers Develop an 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Mind?
How to Start Communication with a Stranger
Japanese Uneasiness with 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网: Why Are They Unwilling to Speak in a Foreign Language?
Comprehension of Animal Idioms by Japanese Students Learning 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as a Second Language
A Study of Miscommunication: Computer-Mediated Communication
Effects of Honorifics on Communication in Japanese
Dialects and Gender: Investigating the Impression of Female Speech in Japanese