A Study of the Translation of The Catcher in the Rye
A Study of Romeo and Juliet: Appearance and Reality in Romeo and Juliet and Its Relationship with Beauty and the Beast
A Study of James Baldwin: The Christian Salvation Based on Mystical Experiences in Go Tell It on the Mountain
Examining the Challenges for Women in Punk Music
A Study of British Dystopian Literature
A Study of Various Discriminations in Manga One Piece
A Study of the Impact of Toy Dolls on Women
A Study of the Influence of Comedy Films About Dictators
A Study of Vanity Fair
RealWorld Issues Seen in the Harry Potter World
A Study of Romeo and Juliet: Differences between the Original Drama and Its Movie Adaptations
A Study of Gay Movies: Gender Roles in Moonlight and Brokeback Mountain
A Study of Alice Walker: Male Domination of a Woman in "The Abortion"
A Study of The Borrowers
The “New Woman” in Benard Shaw's Pygmalion
Class Inequality in Recent South Korean Film and TV Dramas
Examining Feminist Issues in Late 19th to 20th Century Women's Literature
A Study of Toni Morrison: Beauty in The Bluest Eye
Gender Role Division Seen in “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Herland
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Influences in British Children's Literature and Birth of the Fantasy
Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Access to Birth Control
Cultural and Social Differences between Japan and Korea
A Study of The Chronicles of Narnia
Homosociality in Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
The Life of a Dominated Woman in Daddy-Long-Legs: Comparison with Pygmalion
A Study of John Irving: His Fairy Tale World in The Hotel New Hampshire
A Study of In Our Time: Ernest Hemingway's View of World War I and the Greco-Turkish War
Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness in Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre
Uniqueness of Frances Hodgson Burnett's Novels
Charlotte Bront?'s Jane Eyre as Bildungsroman
Nat Hentoff and Freedom of Speech
Searching for Meaning in Survival: A study of Holocaust victims' literature
A Study of The Underground Railroad: Racism and Eugenics
A Study of European Texts on the East
A Study of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: The Collapse of the Binary Order Through Passing and the Possibility of Rebirth Through Empathy
Social Problems in British Coal Mine Films Set in the Thatcher Era
British Class of the First Half of the 19 Century in Jane Austen's Emma
A Study of Totalitarianism Past and Present in George Orwell's 1984
Differences in Refusal Strategies between Online Chats and Telephone Conversations
A Comparison of Cultural Differences in Japanese and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Love Songs
A Study of AAVE in Hollywood Movies
A Study of “Mounting” in Japanese Communication
An Analysis of Factors Impacting Japanese-L1 Learners' Acquisition of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 as a Second Language
"In What Ways Do Disney Princesses Express Their “Femininity”in Disney Films"
Metaphor in the Dialogue and Film Direction of the Animated Film Demon Slayer: Mugen Train
Synaesthesia in Color Metaphors for Emotions
An Investigation of Opaque Figurative Language in Advertising
A Study of the Picture Book The Very Hungry Caterpillar from the Cognitive Linguistic Perspective: How Different Perspectives Affect Interpretation of Expressions in the Book
A Comparison of Japanese and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Movie Posters from Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics
A Study of Speech Errors
Gender Differences in Japanese Refusals
An Investigation of Figurative Language Using a Cognitive Linguistic Approach
Differences between Japanese and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Titles of Animated Films: Considerations from Congnitive Linguistics
A Study of Entertainment Metaphors
Rhyming in Musicals: Comparing 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Songs and Their Japanese Dubbing
The Definition of Culture That Influences the Language
Translating Humor: A Case Study of Full House
Is the Hokkaido Dialect Japanese Grammar? or 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Grammar?
Interpretational Differences Between British and American 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Speakers: How Communication Styles Influence the Understanding of Utterances
Translation of Song Lyrics in Disney Animated Musical Movies: A Case Study of the Songs in Encanto
Differences in Gender Communication
A Study of LGBT
A Comparative Study of Role Language in Japanese and Korean
Suggestions for Ways of Facilitating Non-Face-to-Face Communication
Response Patterns to Requests on the TV Program Could I Follow You Home?
Cognitive Linguistic Differences Between 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and Japanese as Revealed in the Translation of Disney Movies
Japanese-英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Comparison of Role Language: Focus on Valley Girl Speak in Clueless
The Translation of Culture-Specific Items in Film Subtitles: A Case Study of Our Little SisterJapanese Sign Language: Communicating Without Particles
An Analysis of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Prepositions
Role Language: A Case Study of the Characters' Speech in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Expressions of affection in Gossip girl
Sound Symbolism in the Character Names in Dragon quest
Characters and Their Role Language in Lilo & Stitch and Stitch!
Can a Feeling Be Entirely Conveyed into Word? : The Relationship between Language and Emotion
Why Are Tongue Twisters so Hard to Say?
Fluency or Disfluency?: Functions of Nanka in Conversation
Diversity in Onomatopoeia: A Comparison of Mimetic Language in Japanese and 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
In-Group Languages and Politeness
An 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Translation of Spirited Away
Historical Changes in Women’s Speaking Style in Cinderella
Differences in Linguistic Expressions between Japanese, 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and Chinese
Why Japanese People Can’t Say No
Honorifics in Older and Younger People: How Frequent Is Incorrect Usage?
A Comparison of American, Korean and Japanese Commercials
The Association Between Voiced Obstruents and Fear: An Analysis of the Character Names in Animal Crossing
Japanese Consideration of Others with Special Focus on Topic Introduction
Japanese Snack Names and Their 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Translations
A Comparison of Japanese and American 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Slang
The Acceptability of Japanese Expressions of Request: Focusing on the Role of Politeness