- The Faith in God through Uncle Tom's Cabin
- What Is the Scarlet Letter for Pearl
- A Study of Romantic Age
- A Study of Kazuo Ishiguro Metaphorical World by Unreliable Narrators
- A Study of Jane Austen's View about a Marriage
- A Study of Jane Austen's Ideas of Human Relations through the Character Analysis of Mansfield Park
- "Hath Not a Jew Eyes?": An Analysis of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice
- The Factors for Building Identities in The Scarlet Letter
- The Meaning of Fantasy
- The Usage of Definite Articles and Indefinite Articles
- A Study of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 Education in Japan and Communication Abilities from Auditory Aspects
- A Study of Differences between Men's Language and Women's Language
- A Study of the Child Language: The Differences
- A Comparative Study of Japanese and American Offices
- A Study of Lewis Carroll's Unique Mentality
- A Study of Country Music and Expressions of Patriotism in the United States of America
- A Study of the Difference between "Woman" and "Lady"
- A Study of American Behavior and Customs
- A Study of Religious Education in the United Kingdom
- A Progress of Working Women in the United States and Their Current Working Situations
- A Study of a British Film
- Sociopragmatic Transfer in Refusals Produced by Taiwanese Learners of Japanese
- The Eating Style
- Blacks in White Films
- Discrimination against the Jews in England
- Realities of British Dishes: Do They Really Taste Bad?
- A Study of Welfare Systems of Japan and Other Countries
- A Study of Some Aspects of the Grammar-Translation Method
- Japanese Major League Baseball Players: Differences between MLB and NPB
- A Study of Food Culture in the United States --With Special Reference to Obesity--
- A Study of Women's Clothing in Britain
- A Study of the Education Reforms in Britain and Japan
- A Study of the Foreign Workers in Japan
- History of Dance Therapy
- Obesity Problem in America
- What Does America Mean to Paul Auster: A Study of Moon Palace
- A Study of Child Trafficking in Southeast Asia
- The Analysis of Japanese Honorifics from the Perspective of Politeness Theories
- A Study of Settlement of Brazilian Immigrants and Their Educational Problems
- A Study of British 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and the Future of 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网
- A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports in Japanese and American Newspapers
- A Study of Immigrant and Education Policies in Japan
- A Study of Performative Verbs
- American Marriage and Japanese Marriage through Metaphors
- A Study of Immigration and Food Culture in Australia
- A Study of Education for Black Women in the United States
- Marijuana Control Laws in the World
- A Study of Affirmative Action in America
- A Study of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne "The House of the Seven Gables"
- A New Approach to Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Racial Discrimination toward Non-Whites in Australia The Study of Women's Image and Their Positions of Society
- The Relationships between Jokes and Conversational Implicature
- Rhetoric and the Persuasive Techniques of President Obama's Speeches
- A Study of the Differences in the Speaker's Expectation and the Hearer's Interpretation between 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and Japanese
- Speech Acts
- The Concept of Face
- Politeness: Comparison between British 英皇娱乐_英皇娱乐平台¥国际官网 and Japanese